Thursday 8 December 2011

£6.16 pence, 30 portions of food from marked down stuff.

Yep, that's right. A whole shed load of nommy foodstuffs for much cheapness.
My brother went to Waitrose on the way home from work, at about half seven in the evening and followed the lady with the big trolley who goes around reducing stuff before they close, and it paid off, check this out, over a Kilo of mince, WAITROSE MINCE, I hasten to add, for £1.28p

the veal mince I made into Koftas, long thin burgers, or skinless sausages for those of you having difficulty with the concept of long burgers :-)  The beef mince I made into burgers and as I was going to make some more spanakopita (see other recipes) I would do one big cook and then freeze.  
So I had the meat ready, got some filo £1.38 from Asda, with the meat that comes to £2.66p 

Onions for the chopping and the cooking and a tad of garlic. It is always tricky to work out the price of one onion or a clove of garlic so in the interests of fairness I shall say a quid for them all, the shallots, as they are usually a smidge more expensive,

 2 red onions and 2 white onions, put the chopped shallots in the pan ,one red onion, one white onion and chop what's left, finely, into a mixing bowl.

Get the shallots and onions over a bit of heat with some olive oil in them.  While that is warming up.....

.....chuck your  raw beef mince into the bowl with the onion, a good sprinkle of garlic powder and black pepper.

This is a brilliant way to pad out meatball etc dishes and so cheap, 15p, would you Adam & Eve it?  It can increase the amount you get out by half as much again.

So chuck that in  and mix it all up good and proper, a healthy splodge of ketchup and olive oil for binding, another big stir then bung it in the fridge while you get on with other stuff.

One bag of spinach from Asda, a quid...

Lob the frozen spinach in the pan where the onions and garlic are cooking  and leave that to cook down while you turn the veal mince into.....

...Kofta shapes, I didn't add any onion to the veal mince because it's quite light and delicate in flavour, I just added bread crumbs, Vegeta (see other recipes), black pepper, oregano and olive oil. Pop them in the oven, gas 5 for about half an hour.  

When the spinach has cooked down make sure it is mixed well and then drain of the excess water, try and save the green spinachy water as it's great for stocks and soups. While that is draining.....

Get the beef mince, onion mix out of the fridge and squish into 12  burger/ball shapes and put them into a muffin tin, this is the easiest way to make sure they are roughly the same size and cook properly without falling apart.
When you put these in the oven, move the veal koftas dowwn one shelf and put these in where the kofta originally were.

Chop the feta and add to the spinach, I shant go through all of that as you can find the details in other recipes on here.

ooh some cheeky so and so has gone and half inched one of the blighter's.
This is how the burgers should come out, this way you can freeze them as is or add them to a sauce, or just use them in a bun with cheese and stuff, I freeze them two to a box in them plastic containers from the curry house. 

oh and I eat some too. 

I also rolled some of the cooked kofta into the spinach/feta/filo pie. 

and the rest I left as normal vegetarian filo pies.

See? Loads of food for not much money,  £6.16p for over 30 pieces of food.
Sling most of it in the freezer, scoff some now, happy bellys.  

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