Friday 23 December 2011

Cheap FAT FREE Christmas flavoured muffins 8p each.

LOOK! A cats paw print inside an orange. Is the creator a cat? Could this explain string theory?

anyhoo on to less philosophical matters, food. To start off with I took two tablespoons of mincemeat from a jar, put it in a wee bowl with juice from a norange and and some booze., left it to mingle

100gs Self raising flour, you can get SR flour from any of the major shops for about 50p for a 1.5 kilo bag. I tried to work out how much 100gs would cost from that, less than five pence, if anyone can get a closer answer, please let me know.For reason of clarity I shall round it up to 5p to add it all up later.

a well buttered muffin tin

100gs caster sugar. about ten pence worth I reckon. so 15p so far

see? 100gs

smoosh three eggs and sugar and get plenty of air in there, I used a leccy whisk for that. Eggs are about £1,25 for 15 at Asda etc so 25p for the eggs. 40pence so far

pop a bit of unsweetened coco powder in with the flour, I have no idea how to work out the cost of a tablespoon of coco so lets say five pence, it cant be more than that surely. 45pence all in so far

and sieve into the eggy sugar mix, fold it in with a spatch, you need to fold not whip at this stage or you will kick the air out of your intended sponge mix, while you are doing this bit also fold in the mincemeat and booze you mixed together earlier.

I used a medium sized ladle to make sure each cup was equal

licky bowl a clock

15 to twenty minutes in a gas 5 oven and they should be all yumpshous and scofapig. SIX muffins for under 50 pence. NOM

leave them to cool, or not, its entirely up to you

for my next batch I cut out wee circle of grease proof paper to stop them from having sticky bottoms

start again with the 100gs sugar and three eggs, remember, lots of air at this stage.

this time I put half the sponge mix in the tins but without coco powder, dropped in a tangerine/satsuma segment in each one

quickly mixed in a tablespoon of coco into the remaining mix and dolloped it evenly in. so when they cook, they become marbled. 

gas 5 15-20 mins again

and viola, a heap of Christmasy muffins

and this is what the marbled ones look like inside, mmmmmmm 12 muffins for a quid.
Oh and they are lovely fresh our of the oven with cream.

1 comment:

  1. I et, eat, eet, eated mine it was nomtious except I didn't know there was a fruit segment in the bottom and when I tore it into bits in the dim light of my TV it squirted something invisible over my shoulder. Still nom though. :o)
